The Importance of a Tick Examination

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tick examination

If you suspect that you may have a tick allergy, you should contact your local county vector control office. You can find this office by searching for the word “vector control” and your county name. The department should have educational materials and information on tick testing. You should also check with your health department if they perform tick examinations. This will help you protect yourself and your family from the dangers of tick bites. More info – Blumed

A Tick Examination Is An Important Part Of The Treatment Process If You Are Allergic To Ticks

Before removing a tick, you should first clean the bite area thoroughly. To do this, you should use soap and rubbing alcohol. Then, you should thoroughly wash your hands. After the tick is removed, you should keep the area clean. Repeat this process as often as necessary. If you find that a tick is attached to your skin, you should contact your health care provider immediately. The doctor will help you determine whether you have a tick-related condition or not.

If you are unsure of what tick species you have, you can use a tool called TickSpotter to test your tick for free. The software will confirm the tick’s identification and give you a risk rating in less than 24 hours. The black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis, is the most common type of tick and is known to transmit the disease. About half of adult females carry the bacteria that cause Lyme disease. As the tick remains attached for a longer time, the risk of contracting the disease increases. The severity of the infection depends on the location of the tick.

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