Probate Lawyer – What Does a Probate Lawyer Do?

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probate lawyer brisbane

A probate lawyer brisbane is someone who can help with the legal process of dealing with an estate when a loved one passes away. These lawyers will ensure that the person’s assets are accounted for, all debts paid in full and the remainder distributed to those entitled to receive it as stated in their Will. They will also make sure that all tax obligations are met. When choosing a probate lawyer, it is important to find someone who has experience in this area of law and who has excellent reviews online.

It is not a legal requirement to prepare a Will, but it can help avoid family conflict after your death and ensure that your wishes are carried out as instructed in your Will. A good estate lawyer will explain the advantages of preparing a Will and the costs involved. They will also offer a free initial consultation so that you can discuss your situation with them.

The Role of a Probate Lawyer in Brisbane: Essential Guidance for Efficient Estate Administration

When a loved one passes away, the executor of their estate will usually need to apply for a Grant of Probate in order to deal with the deceased’s estate. The Court will only issue the Grant if it is satisfied that the Will presented to them is the last Will of the deceased person. This process can be lengthy, especially if the person has numerous assets and a lot of paperwork.

A good probate lawyer will know how to reduce the time and cost of this process by ensuring that all tax obligations are paid and that any debts are cleared. They will also be able to help with the distribution of the assets and can even help with disputes and contests.

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